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Atmospheric CO2 Levels





CO2 Amount (in ppm)












Time (in years)


"Ask not what your planet can do for you -ask what you can do for your planet"

The world needs you to act now. While oil is poured into oceans, Australia burns with fire, and sea turtles suffocate from plastic, what will you do? After years of negligence, greed, and disunity, what will you do? In these dangerous times of global warming and extreme weather changes, what will you do?

Today is the day that everything changes. It is the day that you will do something beneficial to yourself and your world. Today is the day that you will get slapped by the green hand. Join our community today and learn about the significance of each and every action that we can and must take to reverse our current destiny.

What We Do

Central Idea

Local Empowerment

The Small Things

The whole idea of the green hand organization is to allow people to be able to contribute to the defense against climate change locally. We hope to inform, innovate, and inspire the people of today to take their skills and efforts to the frontlines of this battle. But, often times it is difficult to take on global tasks in unison, so instead we resolved to take on this global problem with small steps. Steps that can be done in locally in our neighborhoods, communities, and countries. Make sure to check out the link below for a fun and simple mission that you can complete today and join the movement.


The Bad Things

At the current rate of global warming it is predicted that half of all animals will die, leading life on earth into its 6th mass extinction event. However, unlike past extinctions, the primary causes would stem from the actions of humans, thus it is still preventable. Furthermore,  if we continue to warm our planet with greenhouse gasses we too will suffer consequences as coastal homes will be lost to the vast ocean.

In the News

We work hard to get our efforts noticed by the media and are so proud when this goal comes to fruition. Take a look at some of our latest coverage and help spread the word about all the amazing developments at The Green Hand.

Team Meeting

The Green Hand lends a Hand to the Homeless

October 9, 2022

Man Painting a Wall

Murals by volunteer artists take a hold of pedestrains

May 12, 2021

Happy Team Posing

200 volunteers spread green through planting trees

January 22, 2022


This is your donation form. Encourage your site visitors to make a donation today by providing additional information about your organization, or how their contribution can best help achieve your goals.

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